Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nijmegen updated

A long overdue update for the page about Nijmegen, Gelderland. Several pictures of post-war objects were added, and several improvements were made to the text. The pages about two objects in this city were also updated; the St. Nicolaas chapel (formerly under a different name) and St. Steven's church (see picture). Both were improved with some new pictures but especially with better text.

In het Nederlands wil ik er even op wijzen dat de pagina over Nijmegen eindelijk is vertaald en bovendien is uitgebreid. Hiermee zijn alle steden- en gemeentespagina's in de sectie Gelderland nu tweetalig.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Another Utrecht update

Updated in the Utrecht section is the page about the Vianen municipality, which now contains three more churches in a couple more villages.