Wednesday, October 04, 2023

A bit more of Zeeland and another architect

More Zeeland news. Following the previous update is a renewed page about the reformed Grote of Maria Magdalenakerk (see picture) of Goes. Also, two more pages about municipalities were added, Kapelle and Reimerswaal. This means twelve, out of a total of thirteen, of Zeeland's municipalities are now represented with a page on this website. In the proces the page about the reformed church of Kapelle and Kruiningen were also updated. 

And then there's a new page about yet another largely forgotten, and in this case quite mysterious architect, H. Onvlee, a man whose career as a (protestant) church architect fits mostly in a single year and who would never see one of his churches completed. 

Het nieuws in het Nederlands: er zijn nieuwe pagina's over de gemeenten Kapelle en Reimerswaal.

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